About us

Coala Solutions is a Swedish medical technology company active in smartphone and cloud-based heart and lung diagnostics. The company has developed and launched Coala Heart Monitor, an FDA-cleared and CE-approved product platform that enables long-term monitoring, analysis and algorithm-based diagnostics of the heart and lungs remotely.

The company was founded in 2015 by a group of Swedish entrepreneurs. Coala Solutions launched its operations in the US in 2019 following its first FDA 510k clearance.

By the end of 2021 Coala had over 500 healthcare providers and over 1,700 physicians connected to the Coala Care Portal. Approximately 10,000 patients have used Coala Heart Monitor to follow their hearts mainly in Europe and the US.

Group headquarters are based in Uppsala, Sweden. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Stockholm.

Vision and mission

Coala Solutions vision is to help win the fight against the world’s leading cause of death – heart disease. The company’s contribution is to develop innovative digital products and solutions that give patients the opportunity to follow and analyze their own hearts, driven by smart algorithms with real-time analysis.

Coala Solutions innovations put the patient at the centre, are user-friendly and based on many years of Swedish research and development. The goal is to generate data that, with the support of artificial intelligence (AI), creates the conditions for predicting heart and lung diseases and thus help to avoid the course of the disease.

The company’s mission is to offer healthcare providers an innovative and patient-centered medical device platform that enables remote monitoring of patients in everyday life, which helps to improve healthcare efficiency, improve abilities for predictive and preventive care, and engages patients and providers to help win the battle against our times leading cause of death.

Strategic objectives

Coala Solutions strategic goal is to improve the quality of life and clinical outcomes for millions of patients affected by cardiovascular diseases. This is made possible by offering patients and healthcare solutions for non-invasive and patient-centered predictive diagnostics.

The background to the development of Coala Heart Monitor was that the measurement equipment the healthcare system uses often requires physical visits, does not engage the patient in their own care, has a lack of accuracy and often leads to long waiting times.

Coala Solutions strategic and operational objectives are to:

  1. Be a market-leading platform provider for non-invasive long-term monitoring and diagnostics of heart and lung patients in everyday life.
  2. Offer markets where the Company is established products and services that are covered by local insurance systems and thus can be made available at no cost to the patient.
  3. Deliver patient-centred and user-friendly products, leading to high utilization/compliance and thus increasing the likelihood of a positive clinical outcome.