
Coala Heart Monitor enables ground-breaking possibilities for clinical studies of the heart. Coala simplifies user-centered studies and for collecting large data sets of ECG and heart sounds in geographically distributed groups.

Coala’s market-leading performance is clinically evaluated and based on research results presented at several national and international research conferences.

Coala - Redheart study

Reduced symptoms and anxiety during palpitations

Coala Heart Monitor was used during the unique RedHeart study conducted by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and in collaboration with the 1.6 million club (a non-profit women's health organization).

During the study, were 1,000 women was recruited, it was shown that patients who experience heart palpitations and use the Coala Heart Monitor for immediate ECG analysis experienced less symptoms of worry, anxiety and depression and also reported an improved quality of life.

Read the study here
Coala - thumb measurement ECG

Undiagnosed atrial fibrillation can be detected with Coala

During the TEASE study, a chest and thumb ECG was performed with Coala Heart Monitor twice daily for 28 days to detect the presence of atrial fibrillation in cryptogenic stroke patients.

During the TEASE study, previously undiagnosed atrial fibrillation was detected in 9% of patients using the Coala Heart Monitor.

The authors conclude that a non-invasive device such as the Coala Heart Monitor may be an important evaluation tool for long-term monitoring of stroke patients to potentially prevent recurrent strokes by allowing prompt initiation of treatment with anticoagulants.

Read the study here