The Coala Care portal is a cloud-based solution to help healthcare professionals prescribe, manage, communicate and diagnose patients remotely. Data from the Coala Heart Monitor and other connected devices are instantly provided from the patient’s everyday life into Coala Care.

Smart algorithms analyze ECG recordings with interpretation support and abilities to further analyze and interpret chest and thumb ECG measurements. The portal provides health care providers with a quick overview of the latest ECG recordings received, as well as access to analysis tools such as Caliper to measure RR intervals.

The portal also enables physicians to listen to recorded heart and lung sounds, and review the Coala phonocardiogram to support the detection of murmurs.

Coala Care portal login

Coala Care Portal

Manage patients remotely

Coala Care presents ECG recordings, heart and lung sounds, patient profiles, and reported conditions - instantly as reported in by the patient. The platform also integrates blood pressure and weight data manually registrated by the patient. Data can be summarized in PDF-based Monitoring Reports and easily downloaded for archiving or integrated into medical record systems.

Automated ECG analysis by smart algorithms

Coala Care Flagga mätning

ECG recordings are analyzed by cloud-based algorithms for automatic detection of Atrial Fibrillation and an additional eight other arrhythmia. The AF-detection algorithms are based on a combination of P-wave detection and RR-dispersion.


Coala Care Portal

Communicative remote care

With Coala it's easy to monitor patients remotely, for as long as needed. The Coala Care portal allows healthcare providers to communicate with patients, interpret data and create reports to support diagnostics and record keeping.

Areas of use

Phonocardiogram to help detect murmurs

The Coala Phonocardiogram (PCG) analyzes the heart sound in sync with the ECG to aid the detection of S1, S2, and murmurs. Enhance the remote auscultation by using the five integrated filters in the Coala Care portal.

Interpretation of ECG

Review ECG results in the general overview or individual registrations in the chart.

Coala Care Portal - Flag measurementsFlag measurements
In addition to ECG-specific functions, the healthcare provider is given the option to flag measurements for attention, allowing other healthcare professionals to quickly and easily search for and find abnormal readings.
Coala Care Portal - ecg reportSummary report
A summary ECG report that quickly summarizes the investigation’s ECG results in one file, all to make healthcare providers save time.

Detailed ECG reports

Coala - Patient Monitoring Report