Clinical Advisory Board

Coala Solutions Medical Advisory Board, also referred to as the Clinical Advisory Board, consists of several leading and experienced specialists in cardiology and life science. Their expertise and knowledge in their respective fields puts Coala Solutions in the best possible position to continue conducting research and development in the best possible way and thereby continue working towards the company’s vision – to contribute to the battle against heart disease.

Members of the Medical Council

Tord Juhlin, MD, PhD, Senior Physician and Cardiologist, Skåne University Hospital. Tord is also chairman of the Swedish Cardiology Association’s HjärtRytmGrupp (HRG).

Hans-Jörgen Nilsson, MD, PhD, Workstream Lead Cardiology, Senior Physician and Cardiologist, Skåne University Hospital. Hans-Jörgen is involved in the cardiology part of the implementation of a new healthcare information system in Region Skåne.

Claes Held, MD, PhD, Senior Physician and Professor of Cardiology, Uppsala University Hospital. Claes is clinically active at the Cardiac Clinic, Uppsala University Hospital. His research activities are based at the Uppsala Clinical Research Centre (UCR), Uppsala University.

Peter Magnusson, MD, PhD, cardiologist, senior physician, Region Gävleborg/VO Cardiology. Peter is a researcher at the Centre for Research and Development Gävleborg/Uppsala University (CFUG) and Karolinska Institutet.